Hebrew & English Dictionary - The New Bantam-Megiddo
48,000 entries, including a concise explanation of the essentials of grammar in both languages
Thousands of new words in both English and Hebrew
Authoritative - clear - precise - Easy to use dictionary
Processed within 1 business day (not included in shipping carrier’s estimated arrival time). Tracking is uploaded immediately upon shipment.
48,000 entries, including a concise explanation of the essentials of grammar in both languages
Thousands of new words in both English and Hebrew
Authoritative - clear - precise - Easy to use dictionary
Product Description:
Author - Dr. Reuven Sivan
The New Bantam-Megiddo
Binding - Paperback
Date Published - (January 1, 1978)
Publisher - Bantam Press (January 1, 1978)
Type - Information
Language - English
ISBN - 0-553-14420-0
Manufactured by the United States of America
Processed within 1 business day (not included in shipping carrier’s estimated arrival time). Tracking is uploaded immediately upon shipment.